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Ensuring smooth traffic flow despite the construction work!

Ensuring smooth traffic flow despite the construction work!




213 words - 2 min read

Ensuring smooth traffic flow despite construction! Our priority is to minimize disruptions during construction periods. We are committed to keeping traffic flowing smoothly and ensuring hassle-free travel for all road users. Your safety and comfort are our commitment!

At the heart of Route RN3 Elmourouj, Ben Arous Governorate, realized within the framework of the European project Re-Med co-financed by the ENI CBC Med Programme, emerges our commitment to your comfort and mobility. A thoughtfully designed detour for your peace of mind For the next 3 days starting from Saturday, August 19, 2023, we are implementing a temporary detour, carefully designed to ensure your journey remains smooth during the transformation of your passage area. Efficiency serving your everyday life Our dedicated team is working tirelessly to devise temporary solutions that minimize inconvenience while allowing you to carry on with your activities uninterrupted. Step by step towards improvement Join us in following step by step our journey towards an improved and more practical location than ever before! Stay tuned to be the first witnesses of this transformation that will mark a new era of fluidity and modernity. A strategically designed detour The temporary detour we are implementing as of August 19, 2023, is the result of meticulous planning. Every detail has been taken into account to ensure your journey is as smooth as possible. Thanks to our team of experts in road planning, we have been able to identify critical points where traffic could be affected and devise solutions to minimize these impacts.