RE-MED project publication

RE-MED project publication




496 words - 3 min read

The RE-MED project is co-financed by the European Union under the Cross-Border Cooperation Programme of the European Neighborhood Instrument "Mediterranean Sea Basin" 2014-2020 (ENI CBC MED).

The RE-MED project is co-financed by the European Union under the Cross-Border Cooperation Programme of the European Neighborhood Instrument "Mediterranean Sea Basin" 2014-2020 (ENI CBC MED).

It started on September 4, 2020, and has a duration of 36 months (until September 3, 2023).

It has an overall budget of EUR 3,084,246.92, co-financed at 90% by the ENI CBC MED program.

Respect Environnement Group is one of the main partners of the RE-MED project.

Project Duration: 39 months until November 3, 2023 Objective of the RE-MED Project: The RE-MED project aims to address the environmental and health impacts related to the inadequate management of construction and demolition waste (CD&D) in the Mediterranean.

Creation of a recycling sector: The project involves the development of a CD&D recycling sector to contribute to the societal, environmental, and digital transition of Mediterranean territories. Transformation of CD&D into resources: The main objective is to transfer and experiment with technologies to convert CD&D into usable resources in road construction and maintenance.

Awareness and training actions: The project includes the implementation of structured training, scientific and outreach communications, as well as the creation of methodological guides to promote the sustainable use of CD&D in the road sector. Standards and economic models: Efficient standard projects and economic models will be developed to integrate the dimension of sustainable development into the road sector.

Support for the Tunisian and Lebanese environmental ministries: The project aims to support the environmental ministries in Tunisia and Lebanon to evolve regulations, facilitating the use of at least 20% recycled aggregates in road construction. Standards and economic models: Efficient standard projects and economic models will be developed to integrate the dimension of sustainable development into the road sector.

Opening a construction waste market: By promoting the use of recycled aggregates, the project aspires to open a construction waste market, contributing to a more sustainable resource management. Project Objectives: Application of innovation to develop the circular economy in sustainable construction in the Mediterranean. Establishment of three waste sorting and treatment units for construction and demolition waste (CD&D)

Integration of recycled materials in road construction Establishment of a pilot road section in Tunisia for experimentation

Knowledge sharing to promote regional circular economy

Our Partners:

Lead beneficiary Centre d'études et d'expertise sur les risques, l'environnement, la mobilité l'aménagement, Direction Territoriale Méditerranée France

Partner 1 SARL DYNEDOC France

Partner 2 Université de Palerme Italy

Partner 3 Centre d'Essais et des Techniques de Construction Tunisia

Partner 4 Ministère de l’Environnement / Unité de gestion par objectifs pour le Programme National de la Propreté et de l’Esthétique de Tunisia

Partner 6 Ministère de l’environnement Lebanon

Partner 7 Syndicat Libanais des Entrepreneurs des Travaux Publics Lebanon

Partner 8 Université Américaine de Beyrouth Lebanon

Partner 9 Société Respect Environnement Group Tunisia Our Associates:

Associate 1 Institut Supérieur des Sciences et Techniques des Eaux de Gabès (ISSTEG) Tunisia

Associate 2 école des ingénieurs de Tunis (ENIT) Tunisia

Associate 3 Institut National de la Normalisation et de la Propriété Industrielle (INNORPI) Tunisia