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Transforming Waste into Innovation: RE-MED Project in Tunisia  ‌

Transforming Waste into Innovation: RE-MED Project in Tunisia ‌




203 words - 2 min read

Witness the birth of innovation as the collaboration between the Center for Experimentation and Research on Materials and Construction Techniques, the Ministry of the Environment, and the French Center for Studies and Expertise, CEREMA, unfolds. This pioneering project, launched on August 22, 2023, marks the beginning of a transformative journey on a 1.2 km stretch of National Route 3 in Ben Arous, Tunisia. Discover how recycled materials from demolitions and constructions will fuel the RE-MED program, turning waste into construction materials. Stay tuned as Tunisia leads the way in sustainable building practices, setting a new standard for the Mediterranean region.

A collaborative initiative between the Center for Experimentation and Research on Materials and Construction Techniques, the Ministry of the Environment, and the French Center for Studies and Expertise, CEREMA, brings to life a groundbreaking project. Work began on August 22, 2023, with signage installed for the redevelopment project of a section of National Route 3, covering 1.2 km in Ben Arous, from kilometer point 8 to kilometer point 9. These recycled materials, sourced from demolitions and constructions, will fuel the RE-MED program, converting waste into materials for road construction. The signage will remain in place until August 25, 2023. Traffic will then be permanently diverted on this section of National Route 3 starting from August 26, 2023. This project is part of the innovation program for circular economy in sustainable building in the Mediterranean, RE-MED. The goal? To introduce new techniques for transforming waste into construction and road maintenance materials in the Mediterranean region. A pioneering experience in Tunisia that leverages construction and demolition debris while promoting sustainability. Total cost: approximately 1.3 million dinars. Duration of work: 45 days from the installation of signage. The Ministry of Equipment and Housing urges users of National Route 3 to slow down and respect the signs.