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Tunisia: The RN3 of Ben Arous being developed using recycled products over 1.2 km

Tunisia: The RN3 of Ben Arous being developed using recycled products over 1.2 km




247 words - 2 min read

The Ministers of Equipment and Housing and the Environment visited yesterday, Thursday, September 14, the construction site of the development project for the section of the experimental road, at the level of National Road No. 3 (RN3), in the governorate of Ben Arous, with the use of recycled products, i.e. demolition and construction rubble.

This visit provided an opportunity to learn about the work on this project, divided into four sections. At each stage, the waste from construction and demolition will be used, in greater proportion, by measuring its efficiency, in order to arrive at the best equation, once the measurement units are installed at each phase of this project, which It extends over 1.2 km in length, reports the Ministry of Equipment in a press release.

This project aims to preserve natural resources, technical innovation, and encourage the circular economy and sustainable construction, at a cost of 1.3 million dinars.

“This pilot experiment is the first of its kind in Tunisia and on the African scale. If it proves successful, it will be generalized and adopted in other future road projects,” declared the Minister of the Environment.

This experience will be subjected to technical tests, on the basis of modern and developed instruments, at all stages of construction, in order to define its specificities and effectiveness, compared to the classic method of road construction. , she added.

This project is part of the partnership between the center of expertise and building techniques of the Ministry of Equipment, the Ministry of the Environment, as well as the center of studies and expertise on risks, environment, mobility and planning (Cerema – France).

It is part of the Re-Med program, focusing on the application of innovation for the development of the circular economy, with a view to sustainable construction in the Mediterranean.
