Project RE-MED

Project RE-MED

03/12/2022- 02/12/2023

"The RE-MED project is co-funded by the European Union under the cross-border cooperation program of the European Neighborhood Instrument 'Maritime Basin Mediterranean' 2014-2020 (ENI CBC MED). It started on September 4, 2020, and has a duration of 39 months (until December 3, 2023). It has a total budget of EUR 3,084,246.92, co-financed at 90% by the ENI CBC MED program. Respect Environnement Group is one of the main partners of the RE-MED project.

Project Duration: 39 months until 03/11/2023

Objective of the RE-MED Project: The RE-MED project aims to address the environmental and health impacts related to the inadequate management of construction and demolition waste (CDW) in the Mediterranean.

Creation of a Recycling Sector: The project involves the development of a CDW recycling sector to contribute to the societal, environmental, and digital transition of Mediterranean territories.

Transformation of CDW into Resources: The main objective is to transfer and experiment with technologies to convert CDW into usable resources in the construction and maintenance of roads.

Awareness and Training Actions: The project includes the implementation of structured training, scientific communications, and outreach, as well as the creation of methodological guides to promote the sustainable use of CDW in the road sector.

Standards and Economic Models: Efficient standards and economic models will be developed to integrate the dimension of sustainable development into the road sector.

Support for Tunisian and Lebanese Environmental Ministries: The project aims to support the environmental ministries in Tunisia and Lebanon to evolve regulations, facilitating the use of at least 20% recycled aggregates in road construction.

Opening of a Construction Waste Market: By promoting the use of recycled aggregates, the project aspires to open a market for construction waste, thus contributing to more sustainable resource management.

Project Objectives: Application of innovation to develop the circular economy in sustainable construction in the Mediterranean.

Establishment of three sorting and treatment units for construction and demolition waste (CDW).

Integration of recycled materials in road construction.

Setting up a pilot road section in Tunisia for experiments.

Knowledge sharing to promote a regional circular economy."


